One of our core values here at Course Correct is continuous learning and development, and we love to work with business owners who also share this value. So it’s no surprise to us when we’re having conversations with current and prospective clients alike, and they blurt out things like…

I love continuing my education. I took B-School last year, and it was awesome.

I love having my coach/mastermind to check gut instincts and provide that level of guidance.

I love having all the tools at my disposal. There’s so much they can do.


(Yes, there’s a big ol’ but in there… I’m sure you saw it coming.)

Our one B-Schooler client hit the nail on the head when she said:

But … the bottom line is that all these people who are successful, like Marie Forleo, well, they have a team to implement their sh*t. They don’t teach you that. Hell, they don’t even tellyou that. You just have to go it alone.

And our clients with coaches, masterminds, and learning ‘hang-ups’ — they all say the same thing. What they need is time, or even better yet, a team to implement everything.

(Sidebar: #ItMe — I totes have ‘learning hang-ups’ — it’s even in my Top 5 StrengthsFinder. ‘Learner’ sits at the prime #2 spot.)

Anyway, back to my point.

It’s the truth that when we’re looking at these leaders with 6-7 figure businesses, these teachers, these coaches and mentors — well, they do have a team to implement the back-end. The kind of support they hire ranges from customer service, to setting up an ‘Awesome Free Gift’, to launching their next online course, or even getting their affiliate or ally connections rock solid.

This is the proverbial double-edged sword.

Bringing on a team takes up that revenue you might not be generating on consistent basis by yourself.


(Again with the but…)

Having a team actually frees up your time to generate new revenue.

Here’s the thing:

  1. We here at Course Correct believe the only way to make our work in this world transformative and impactful is to collaborate. Working in a vacuum doesn’t just suck — yes, that pun was intended — it doesn’t pack the same punch as when you work with others.
  2. We also believe that you should have the same access to high quality team support — at an accessible pricing structure — as the big guns. (Ask us about our ‘Client-led Payment Terms’!)
  3. We’re here to help you do things differently.


Well, for one, we believe you should be able to hire a team when you need it — and not necessarily retain them for always and forever.

(This is why our contracts are never more than 6-months long. Even for our clients who have been with us for years and years.)

This gives you time to grow / to stabilize / to leverage your time, until that moment when you know in your bones that ongoing support is the next logical step in your business growth.

We offer both types of support: short-term/project based, and longer-term ongoing back-end support. Because we believe that both ways of hiring a team are necessary. But like I said above, you’re never locked into a contract for more than six months at a time, because we don’t think long or open-ended contracts are nice or fair — for any of us.

One of the short-term projects we’re frequently hired for is build out an online course on a platform like Kajabi or Teachery. So let’s talk a minute about how go about that — because this is also part of how we do things differently around here.

First, we start with a simple conversation.

We talk frankly — but without judgment! — about what’s going in on your business, as it pertains to finally getting your online course set up correctly.

I’ll tell you a little secret… we’re not the right team for everyone. In fact, the chat I had with the B-Schooler? Well, it was so good, and we dug deep, but by the end of the conversation we identified  that what her business needs right now is to NOT launch a course — not yet, anyway. Rather, she needs someone to help her build a foundation and generate some stable income in different ways than we can, so we referred her to some other fine folks in our network (and we hear they’re all rocking and rolling now).

Second, if we are a good fit, we jump right into the soup.

Full disclosure, we give you some homework first. Think about the last time you bought a piece of Ikea furniture. Inside the box are all the furniture pieces, nuts and bolts, and a piece of paper with some Swedish hieroglyphs you have to interpret, right?

Where most business owners and course creators get stuck is that they have all the furniture pieces — aka the course content — but the box didn’t come with all the nuts and bolts and they accidentally threw away the instruction sheet. (The nuts and bolts are all the little things no one tells you that you need, like lesson descriptions, somewhere to host the videos and downloads, registration confirmation emails, and so on and so on…)

Enter the homework. We give you a checklist of all the things we’re going to need in order to build your course, customized to the platform you’re hosting your course on. (Because, yes, of course, they all need different things. Or worse, call the same things by different names. It’s enough to make your head spin! And that’s why you’ve got us now.)

Then, we map it all out.

Once you’ve completed the checklist… the magic begins! The next step is a course mapping session, held on Zoom.

What we do not do in this session is put you in a box. We don’t give you some cookie-cutter, cure-all, one-size-fits-most kind of solution. That’s why we have you on this call with us, instead of selling you a digital download with a walkthrough video. (You’ve already bought enough of those. It’s okay, no shame or judgment here!) Every step of the way, we check in with you to see if where we’re headed feels good. We ask you to use your intuition. We ask you to check in with your clients’ and students’ desires and how we can make things easy for them as well as for you.

Then, our team goes offline to either create an implementation plan for your already-established team, or you can have our team build it out for you. Entirely your choice. (And if your team tries and just doesn’t have the skillset yet, that’s okay! You can always call us in later if you need us.)

We’ve been doing this for several years now (Katy and I began working together in 2016, and we both have years of experience working with online business owners prior to that), and building out online courses has become one of our most favorite things to do. So much so, when we renamed our business in 2020, we knew the word ‘Course’ had to get woven in somehow!

The proof is in the pudding. And by pudding, I mean results:

  • clients and students have a seamless onboarding experience
  • your course platform plays nicely with all your other business tools, like your email marketing platform and your Stripe account
  • you’re saving money by only paying for the support and tools you need, instead of hanging on to unnecessary subscriptions ‘just in case’
  • you’re making more money because you have more time to promote and sell your program, instead of stressing out over losing a sale because the whole registration process is clunky

Wanna build a course?

Awesome! We wanna build it for you. The next step is to submit a contact form, and one of us will reach out to arrange a time to chat. 😊